Alfonica Status


Last updated: 29/03/2025 at 07:15


24/03/2025 21:20

Following on from the Drayek router incident, we are seeing that by downgrading the firmware on the router, the issue seems to resolve itself for most users. Your IT department / provider should be able to log on to your routers and download the relevant firmware.

If you have log in credentials for your Draytek router our support team -, can assist if your IT department cannot help. We can only do this if you know the log in details for your router, as the majority of routers would not have been supplied by Alfonica.

If you have a spare non-Draytek router, the Alfonica Support team can provide your broadband credentials to help you reconnect.

This is NOT a broadband outage, this is a Draytek specific issue.